Restaurant commentator in Saudi Arabia

Launch first commentator floating restaurant between heaven and earth in Saudi Arabia.

Dinner in the Sky adventure of flying at an altitude of 50 meters above the ground, and eat a hot meal
Cooked in front of you, to eat up any place where wishes presence. Was built according to the standards and specifications company
(Tove) German and across the Fulaij Group Chairman Escob pride in the opening of this restaurant
Curious of its kind for the first time in the Kingdom and the entire region
It is a secure private crane available misgivings safety under the supervision of specialists and a capacity of 32 People.

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض

اطلاق اول مطعم سعودي معلق بين السماء والارض