Brussels' Flower Carpet

Brussels' Flower Carpet

The idea of ​​flower carpet in Brussels in 1971; followed by another rug in 1976, then again in 1979 to celebrate the millennium of the city of Brussels. After one year carpet was designed to commemorate the 150 years of the Belgium. In 1986 they decided to do this event once every two years in the month of August. Now, because of the growing success of flowers and to increase carpet attraction for tourists, the City Council decided to Brussels to make it an annual event, and will be due in the next year in the 14-18 August. The formation of these flowers carpet volunteers using millions of flowers colored Albegonya in the big arena in the historic district in the center of the Belgian capital.

2012 Carpet design   تصميم سجادة عام 2012

Volunteers create the floral masterpiece of 24 to 77 meters.
متطوعون يقومون بعمل السجادة الرائعة بمساحة 24 × 77 متر.






1986, became an event every two years   في عام 1986 أصبح حدثا كل سنتين