Beautiful colored tower in the world

Beautiful colored tower in the world

Guangzhou Tower is located at the point of intersection of the axis of Guangzhou New axis views of the Pearl River in south China's Guangdong Province.And a height of 610 meters (from 450 meters to the main tower building, and 160 meters for the air force), which is considered the highest television tower in the world today

Tower made ​​of steel pipes of large diameter. At the top of the tower is made of solid. The tower is designed to broadcast television and radio, as well as for the Performing signals from Panorama in Guangzhou designed and equipped to receive 10,000 tourists daily. Tower designed by Dutch architects Mark Hemel and Côte Barbara won the project in international competition in 2004. The tower is not a particular building wa television broadcasting only there great places to shop for hardware and cities for the Games and highly developed parking underground,
And restaurants and many of the services ..

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم

اجمل برج ملون في العالم