‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Inventions. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Inventions. إظهار كافة الرسائل

underwater discus hotel in dubai

Take A Look Inside The Crazy Underwater Hotel Being Planned In Dubai

Dubai is known for its outrageous design plans, but the Water Discus Hotel, formally announced last week, could be the wildest thing to come to the city in years.
According to Deep Ocean Technology, the company behind the design, the hotel will consist of two sets of discs—one above water and one below.
The underwater disc, located up to 10 meters below the surface, will contain 21 hotel rooms, as well as an underwater dive center and bar. The surface disc will house a restaurant, spa, and recreation area.

Building company Drydocks World signed a contract with Swiss firm BIG InvestConsult to develop the Water Discus Hotel in Dubai and other underwater hotels in the region last Thursday. No cost estimate or opening date has been announced.

Dubai is also home to the world's tallest building, the world's biggest indoor ski resort, and the world's most luxurious hotel.

discus hotel dubai
شركة تكنولوجيا المحيطات العميقة 
تخطط لبناء فندق تحت الماء في دبي والذي قد يبدو وكأنه مخبأ الأشرار في أفلام جيمس بوند
هذا الفندق والذي يدعى واتر دسكس هو فندق نصف مغمور وفيه 21 غرفة على عمق 10 أمتار تحت الماء تطل على الحياة الفطرية تحت سطح البحر. ويتكون المبنى من قرصين - أحدهما تحت الماء والآخر فوق الماء يرتبطان بثلاثة أرجل صلبة وفتحة عمودية تحوي مصعداً ودرجاً. و بالقرب من الغرف مركز غاطس للغوص وبار. وهناك نظام إضاءة خاص لتسليط الضوء على الحياة النباتية والحيوانية في الخارج.غرف الضيوف مجهزة بأعلى التقنيات التي تسمح بالتكبير والتدقيق حتى بأصغر المخلوقات. ويضم القرص العلوي مطعما ونادياً صحياً وبركة سباحة ضخمة لمن يودون الإستمتاع بأشعة الشمس.
Guests will have access to marine vehicles to allow them to explore their surroundings. 
The lobby will be built inside an enormous swimming pool. 
Screens on the lobby walls will show diving activities taking place around the hotel. 
This looks like a distracting place for a business meeting.All rooms are sound-proof and have curtains in case you need a break from the sea life.The complex will be surrounded by coral reef. 
Looks like something from The Jetsons.

Dubai's new iPad device wrapped with gold

Coming Soon in Dubai's new iPad device wrapped in 24-carat gold, becoming one of the most expensive Apple devices in the world.

يُعرض قريبا في دبي جهاز آيباد الجديد مغلفا بذهب عيار 24 قيراط، ليصبح أحد أغلى أجهزة شركة آبل في العالم.
دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

دبي تعرض أول جهاز ‘آي

The invention of a simple

When you think something did not think this is one of creativity
Have you thought about the idea of ​​there like in the world?
Watch this invention is simple.

Electric Network Vehicle - CES 2011

LAS VEGAS – General Motors’ EN-V concepts made their North American public debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, following a six-month run as main attractions at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
EN-V, short for Electric Networked Vehicle, is a vision of the future of urban personal mobility. Three different EN-V designs represent distinct characteristics that emphasize the enjoyable nature of future transportation: Jiao (Pride), Miao (Magic) and Xiao (Laugh). 
Using a driving course set up outside of the Las Vegas Convention Center, GM demonstrated the autonomous driving capabilities of EN-V, including a feature that would allow the vehicles to park themselves and automatically return to the user when summoned from a smartphone application. 

At less than half the length of a Smart ForTwo six EN-Vs can fit into a standard American parking space while oneself-balancing two-wheeled EN-V provides interior space for two passengers.  Using its sophisticated sensing technology, EN-V can detect obstacles in its path, including pedestrians or other vehicles, and automatically come to a stop. 
“I was a little worried about the balancing before I got in but it felt totally normal, complete natural,” said Mark Harris of the Sunday Times of London, who rode in one of the EN-Vs.
 “The field of vision is really impressive as well,” said Pike Research analyst John Gartner. “It’s a great sense of being aware of everything around you.”
Following CES, the EN-V vehicles will be on static display at North American International Auto Show in Detroit and make selected appearances around the United States

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