‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Strange Things. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Strange Things. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Closing ceremony of the events of the Olympic Games 2012 in London

Photos from the closing ceremony of the activities of the Olympic Games 2012 in London
Concluded Olympic Games hosted by the thirtieth and the British capital of London, after competitions continued throughout the past two weeks, the end of an impressive ceremony yesterday evening, more than 80 thousand spectators attended the paragraphs to follow up and technical review.

Trip amazing three-dimensional

            Wish nearby: amazing three-dimensional journey to Jerusalem

What we will present today to you is a film three-dimensional amazing and wonderful ... and will be presented in the film, some of the areas that perhaps for the first time you see in your life, and which is located in beloved Palestine, including: Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa and what's inside and around and many areas of the the West Bank ...

We all
dream to visit the city of Jerusalem and of the maximum, which is one of the most monuments sacred to all Muslims, and which is also the first Qiblah in Islam ... and also told the Messenger of Allah bless him and his family and him that he will come a time miss the most and can not access it .. Security becomes one of us to stand in a small spot of land ... seen them for Aekhal eyes Maqdis .. And this spot has to be love of the whole world.
The Messenger of Allah
may Allah bless him and his family and him: "to come on people time and under the whip or the man said arc where it believes Jerusalem is better for him or loved him from the world all" horses

the movie ..


                                   أمنيات قريبة : رحلة مدهشة ثلاثية الأبعاد الى القدس

ما سنقدمه اليوم لكم هو فيلم ثلاثي الأبعاد مدهش و رائع و سيعرض في الفيلم البعض من المناطق التي ربما لأول مرة تشاهدها في حياتك، و التي تقع في فلسطين الحبيبة و منها: القدس و الأقصى و ما بداخلها و ما حولها و العديد من المناطق في الضفة الغربية …

جميعنا يحلم بزيارة مدينة القدس و للأقصى الذي يُعَد واحداً مِنْ أكثر المعالم قدسيةً عند جميع المسلمين، و الذي يُعدُّ أيضاً أولى القبلتين في الإسلام …و كما أخبرنا رسول الله صلّ الله عليه وآله وسلم أنه سوف يأتي زمان نشتاق للأقصى و لا نستطيع الوصول إليه.. فتصبح أمنية الواحد منا أن يقف في بقعة من الأرض صغيرة … ينظر منها ليكحل عيونه ببيت المقدس.. و تكون هذه البقعة عنده أحب من الدنيا بأسرها .
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: “ليأتين على الناس زمان ولقيد سوط أو قال قوس الرجل حيث يرى منه بيت المقدس خير له أو أحب إليه من الدنيا جميعا ” صححه الألباني

إليك الفيلم ..

Device for the sale of fresh pizzas

Device for the sale of fresh pizzas

"Wits for Pizza" or "Let Neptza" is a vending machine makes pizza from fresh and Takbzha raw materials in less than three minutes. They kneaded the dough and shape, and put the sauce ingredients and set it, and then Takbzha, and when mature slip opened Pizza delicious fresh whole - all just five dollars. It's not a machine to heat up frozen pizza, it produces four different types of fresh pizza. This automated chef, invented by Italian Claudio Torgala, he plans to spread it all over the world.

Corinth Canal linking the two seas

Corinth Canal .. Place unique of its kind linking the two seas!
Corinth Canal is a waterway connecting the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Gulf in eastern central Greece, with a channel length of 6 km, and penetrate the narrow piece of land that link peninsula Bjelobonisas with other land Greece.
French company began building the canal in 1882, Greece and completed in 1893, and was the Roman Emperor Nero had started the first attempt to construct such a canal in 1967.

This channel is a waterway crossed by important Greek ships traveling between Greece and various Mediterranean ports, and major tourist destination channel for the beauty and awe appearance.

The largest market for flowers in the world Netherlands

Flower Farms in Holland

The floral industry began on large scale in the late 19th century in England and has grown to over US$180 billion worldwide. Germany is the biggest flower consumer in the world (22%), while USA (15%), France and UK (10% each).Holland remains the center of production for the floral market. The flower auction at Aalsmeer is the largest flower market in the world. Colombia is the second largest exporter in the world.

مزارع الزهور الهولندية

بدأت تجارة الزهور على نطاق واسع في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر في انكلترا ونمت عالمياً إلى أكثر من 180 مليار دولار أمريكي. وتعتبر المانيا اكبر مستهلك للزهور في العالم (22٪)، في حين أن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تستهلك 15٪ وكل من فرنسا والمملكة المتحدة 10٪ لكل منهما. وما تزال هولندا مركز الإنتاج لسوق الزهور. ويوجد في مدينة آلاسمير الهولندية أكبر سوق للزهور في العالم. وتعتبر كولومبيا ثاني أكبر مصدر للزهور في العالم.